
 *ding ding dang ding ding dang* hohoho! merry christmas ( ; so fast that 2009 gonna end with a perfect full stop . I just hope i will get a macro lens for Canon EOS 400D =DD goshh i really want it much and it cost for 500 buck ! not cheap heh ! hoicksss gonna study hard next year ! STUDY STUDY STUDY ! and get into science . faster end the so damn fucking secondary school life ! got my first damn watch Casio from my mom for birthday present (: Its water proof for 200meter and glow in night i love it muchh ahah no need keep asking for someone for time .___.

So damn hell that next year form 3 and gonna see those wtfurk displine teacher better than kumar and geetha but the worst comes == and i gonna miss my mei(s) even other schools XDXD take care yourself ! T__T some so called besties on phone [ form 1 ] she get drop class and nevermind where u fell thats the place you gonna stand up ! Not much people can do that however . Anyway if there's a xpdc gua ,  i would like to spend my time and go for it ! its a experince LOL jaya badge byebye no time for it ! lol or maybe i can spend time on the January 2010 for the badge and get my rambu muda . Respective from others ;D

Somehow my cousin brother is gonna shift house tmrw lol and i think im getting back my room LOL! so what ? computer table changed to study table nevermind lahh almost whole thingy about study ! ._____. ohyaa congratz those who get their PMR result so damn goooood those straight A's ! anyway just congratz for those who get straight A's . anyway just a congratz . hrmm so... this saturday i might heading to sg for a lil short trip lol meet some cousins there maybe ? loll or maybe will be cancel last minute who knows? oh yeah shi kin jie she have a new hair style is adorable LOL however the previos looks good .. to me idk others thinking lol! anyway  







=DD bored tio XD

    創作者 ahsengzhao 的頭像

    sengCHOU' place♥

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